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Shocking report of lower IQ

Brown University reports lower IQ of babies
born during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Devastating research from Brown University shows that babies born during the Covid 19 pandemic have a 22 point lower than average IQ. The researchers found the children had dramatically lower cognitive ability but it was not directly affected by the virus.

Researchers at Brown University compared the intelligence quotient scores of these infants to those of other infants born between 2009 and 2016. This is how they found babies born during the pandemic had an alarmingly 22 points lower than average IQ.

This is alarming because it means we are witnessing the effects of a global catastrophe of the loss of cognitive ability. The study also showed that the earlier a baby is exposed to the pandemic, the more severe the impact on their intellectual development. This suggests that one of the most effective ways to reduce the damage of the cognitive deficits is for parents to help their children as early as possible develop their memorization skills because the ability to memorize is essential to succeed in any human endeavor.

Possible causes of the dramatic reduction of Baby IQ

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The lead study author said, "It was shocking," and hopes that the study will move parents to take action. In this case, the study involved a total of 672 children in the state of Rhode Island who were predominately white and had no cognitive or developmental disabilities, but children across the United States and other countries are being similarly affected.

In general, the impact of lockdown restrictions deprived babies of a host of social interactions with other children and adults but also the loss of the tangible experience of watching and or interacting with the environment at playgrounds and parks which were also closed, for example. They were deprived of many early educational opportunities associated with exploring life and learning from everything and others in their environment.

Educators and neuroscientists agree that children learn by interacting and observing the environment and mirroring and emulating trusted adults and children around them. These crucial early educational experiences associated with the development of cognitive, verbal and motor skills were stolen from them by the lockdown associated with the pandemic.

The study suggests that other factors may account for lower IQ scores including the stressors suffered by parents who were worried about loss of employment and the fear of infection which was fanned by the media in their 24 hour new cycles. Could these fears and insecurities of the parents also have impacted the lower IQ scores of the babies and prevented normal brain development? According to Dr. Sean Elliott, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Tucson Medical Center, “Babies are super, super smart... They will pick up on both verbal and visual cues that we might not notice as adults but they do.” 

Likewise, regarding the reduced IQ of babies in the Brown University study, Dr. Anne Maiden-Hope, a pediatrician and vice chair at Midwestern University says, “The most likely hypothesis of the reason for this is because of the decrease in parental interaction, increased stress. That stress and anxiety not only manifested in the parents, but the children picked up on it. They sense that body language, they sense the tone. Children are very perceptive, and because of this, there was less parent-child interaction."

Not being exposed to the wider world and spending their infancy with stressed adults may have put pandemic babies at a mental disadvantage. “Parents are stressed and frazzled … that interaction the child would normally get has decreased substantially...." The resulting decrease in IQ may have long term effects. “It's not subtle by any stretch,” lead study author and Brown University associate professor of pediatric research Sean Deoni says, “You don't typically see things like that, outside of major cognitive disorders.” Although Deoni says that the lack of stimulation during this critical stage of infancy has caused setbacks that will be hard for children to overcome, there is light at the end of the tunnel if parents take action, but, “The ability to course-correct becomes smaller the older that child gets.”

Mask wearing may be responsible for reduced IQ 

An even more devastating effect may be mask wearing. Although the impact of mask wearing was not part of the study the brains of babies are stimulated by the astonishing amount of data they get from looking at the region of the face that is covered by mask wearing that was mandated during the pandemic.

When you consider what is known about babies and mirror neurons and their impact on the development of rote memory and learning, the requirement of wearing masks alone may account for much of this devastating loss of mental ability as measured by IQ scores.

Could it be that mask wearing is the pivotal contributing agent for this loss? Parents need to think very carefully about their babies and what mask wearing does to a baby's brain.

Dr. Maiden-Hope says her office is seeing children "with speech delays, which could be tied to masks, because babies haven’t been able to see their parents’ mouths move as much."

The Brown University researchers admit that mask policies have fundamentally altered the environment in which children live, and they report: "... masks worn in public settings and in school or daycare settings may impact a range of early developing skills, such as attachment, facial processing, and socioemotional processing." Read their study here. 

Prior pandemic studies related to babies show higer IQ

Brown University has done ongoing studies related to children and pandemics since 2009. For example, in a 2009 study conducted at Brown correlations were found between pandemic born babies and their IQ. In this case, the study was conducted by looking at the data of over 500 children, half of which were born after the H1N1 pandemic of 2009.

The children were shown different images and given IQ tests to determine which ones had the highest IQ.

The researchers then compared the data with the children’s IQ at the time of the study, as well as their parents’ IQ. Basically, they found that children with greater maternal intelligence had higher IQs at age 7. They also found that this relationship was still strong at age 13, but not at age 17. The researchers found that children with higher IQ at age 7 had a higher IQ at age 13. This means that children who were exposed to the H1N1 pandemic had higher IQs than children who were not exposed to it, even though they were of the same age.

Wikipedia says, "The 2009 swine flu pandemic, caused by the H1N1 influenza virus and declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) from June 2009 to August 2010, is the most recent flu pandemic involving the H1N1 virus (the first being the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic and the second being the 1977 Russian flu)."

The results associated with Brown University's H1N1 pandemic in 2009 study showed that the pandemic babies scored higher on the IQ test than the control group. The test measures the ability to focus, and to pay attention to environmental stimuli, as well as integrating these stimuli into a whole picture. The older the baby, the better it did in the test. The study also found that children who were born in the H1N1 pandemic performed better on the IQ test than those who were born before the pandemic, even if their parents were exposed to the virus. Interestingly, a study done two years later, which looked at IQ scores of children in Ireland, also found that those born during the pandemic scored higher than those born before it.

What does the data associated with ten million children show?

Insofar as pandemic periods does a baby’s birth month effect their IQ? Prior to the Covid 19 pandemic a study conducted by Brown University says that if a baby is born during or around the time of a pandemic, they will score on average six points lower than other babies. The study looked at the data from over 10 million children and determined that children who were born during or close to pandemic periods scored an average of six points lower than those born in months with no threat of pandemic.

Data collected for decades shows babies born during or after a pandemic tend to have lower IQs than those born before. Because pregnant mothers who contract certain diseases such as polio and influenza may pass those infections onto their unborn fetuses. The study by Brown University found that higher rates of autism and ADHD diagnoses among children exposed to such viruses as measles and rubella also correlated with lower IQ scores.

Gender and Cognitive Ability

In general in the United States girls outperform boys in school but not in IQ tests. Some studies show that girls are on average faster than boys in reading, spelling, and arithmetic. In the case of IQ, however, data shows there is a certain time period in which boys have the advantage while girls have the advantage later. It has been suggested that there may be a strong relationship between the gender of the child and the cognitive ability they will have. The gender effect on IQ is not as strong among twins. The gender effect is the strongest among fraternal twins.

Before Covid 19, the ongoing Brown University studies concerning the effects of pandemics on the development of babies and the connection with IQ have found that babies who are born during pandemic years have IQs that are 10 points lower than the average. The data came from a sample of over 100,000 people born between 1979 and 1984. This is an alarming discovery. It suggests that crises may have long-term effects on the intellectual development of children, and, of course, impacts the entire nation.

That's why, in the Covid 19 pandemic neuroscientists were horrified to see a huge 22 point drop in IQ.

What can parents do to reverse the harm done to the rapidly developing brain of a baby affected by a society of mask wearers?

First, don't worry about it and don't be depressed. It's better to know than not to know. Remember, that throughout history terrible and intensely traumatic things have happened to all people - and that includes babies - of all races. The Jews were in slavery for 430 years. An estimated ten million white people were slaves in the Roman Empire. In the Americas, American Indians have suffered 500 years of conquest and oppression.

The litany of catastrophes suffered throughout time by people of all races across the earth is well documented, however, in this case, what is horrifying to neuroscientists is this lowered IQ cannot be reversed. Nonetheless, common sense says moms and dads can help their babies develop their inborn native memory expertise which can be made stronger through practice and mental exercise. In other words, put an emphasis in your family life on infusing your baby's extraordinary memory capacity with the core and fundamental knowledge related to science, math, geography, vocabulary, and manners - each of which can be memorized by your baby and are signs of an educated mind and a refined personality. Why? Because a loss of 22 IQ points from an average IQ of 100 means a baby would have an IQ of 78, however, genetically your baby may have leaned towards having an IQ of 130 and, in this case, a loss of 22 points would still put your baby well above the average IQ.

No matter how the covid 19 pandemic may have affected and retarded the development of your baby's brain, the best thing is to use the well organized materials of Genius Child University to make the most of your baby's ability to memorize whatever you choose to teach them. You can teach them nursery rhymes, or you can have fun with your baby as you teach them the core fundamentals of math, science, and geography, for example, most of which they will learn by themselves by listening to the audio recordings provided with the courses.

Elon Musk, who is determined to start a human civilization on Mars and has made extraordinary strides to that end, is said to have an IQ of over 150, and he is accomplishing wonderful things. Many people with average and lower than average IQs are also doing extraordinary work. The most important thing for a child is to have supportive and loving parents. Elon Musk suffered rejection and abuse by his father. Nonetheless, he is doing the best he can with the cards that were dealt him. Your baby is your treasure. Use the courses and training methods of Genius Child University to build the memory muscles of your baby, and you will be amazed at what your baby will accomplish no matter their IQ. Love one another and love and treasure your children.

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