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Genius Child University

Discover how to release the hidden genius in your baby

Exploring this website will make you happy. Because you'll discover how you can confidently help your child absorb important facts that will put them on the path to success in life. It's easy for them and fun for you too.

Magically increase your baby's and toddler's potential

Every mother knows there's a memory genius inside her child. Here's what makes your child a genius child:

Every baby's brain soaks up everything around them. They memorize everything. They don't have to think about it. They just memorize. This is why your child can learn math, geography, science, and much more including how to read.

The easy way to inspire a child's memory-genius

Ask any parent every child has an enormous capacity to learn. The strange thing is it's just as easy to teach your child about the Five Little Piggies as it is to teach them math, science and geography. It's all about fostering the love of memorizing and the knowledge it gives your child. Discover how and why this fun and easy way works.Apply Now.

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"Learning is the only strategic advantage any of us have in life...."

Peter Senge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Learning Center

Why Choose Our Baby, Toddler, and Child University?

"One of the most critical time periods in child development and learning is from birth to five years old. The first five years of child development is crucial to their health, wellbeing, and the overall trajectory of their lives in a variety of ways."

Is memorization a skill?

Memorization is a fundamental skill and a key to every level of education. It's easy and essential to encourage and help your child develop and practice this skill because it's well known that "The less we try to actively memorize information, the lazier the brain gets. It becomes harder to pick up new skills and study."

Is memorization good for the brain?

"Memorization increases the size and improves the function of memory-related brain structures. Memorization enhances the neurological flexibility of the brain referred to as neural plasticity. Memorization exercises more extensive sections of the brain than more passive activities such as reading."

Rote learning is memorization

"Rote learning has been found to actually change the structure of the brain. By practising rote learning exercises, we are able to recall more information overall, and often, we can retain it for life. Researchers have also found that a poor short-term memory can make it difficult to master reading and maths concepts."

Does rote learning help students?

"Rote learning is the process of memorizing information based on repetition. Rote learning enhances students' ability to quickly recall basic facts and helps develop foundational knowledge of a topic. Examples of rote learning include memorizing multiplication tables or the periodic table of elements."

Rote learning is foundational

"Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it. The key is learning by repetition. Rote learning enhances students' ability to quickly recall basic facts and helps develop foundational knowledge of a topic."

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Teach your baby these core fundamentals and their school teachers will love them

These audio recordings are personalized just for them. They hear their name and words of encouragement.
They also hear the subject matter repeated over and over again and memorize it.

Our methods are easy and fun for you and your baby

(These are things your child must know to be considered bright and gifted)

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Babies and toddlers love to learn. They don't have to struggle and strain to learn. They just listen and repeat. It's how they learn everything. So addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables are easy for them. 

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The bedrock of science is the Periodic Table of Elements. Your baby, toddler, or child can memorize the Table of Elements without stess or strain. They do it because it comes natural for them to listen and repeat what they learn like parrots. Leave the repeating and memorizing to them because they're the natural born memory experts.

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World Geography

The Olympic Committee recognizes 206 countries. There are 35 countries in the Americas. Your child will learn the names and capitols of 206 countries. Also they'll memorize the names of the seven continents and five oceans. When they're a little older they'll know the locations of all the nations, capitols, continents and oceans and be able to point to each on both a globe and flat map. 

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"Vocabulary is critical to a child's success for these reasons: ... Vocabulary helps children to think and learn about the world. Expanding a child's knowledge of words provides unlimited access to new information." These 236 power words are going to give your child and you extraordinary conversation skills! Your little memory-genius will also learn about prefixes, suffixes, and antonyms and synonyms.  

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United States and Capitols

There are 50 states in he United States of America. Each state has its own capitol. Your child will learn the names of the states and the capitols and other interesting information such as the bird and flower associated with each state.

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"Good manners make a person nice to know." Social skills start with a welcoming smile and good manners. Here's the easy and fun way to help your child develop a wonderful personality that will serve them well forever.   

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Introducing the Happy Baby Master Course

Teach your baby to read words and numbers

When your baby can sit up without tumbling over they are ready to learn to read words and numbers. Every child is different but it's no secret babies are memory experts so it's easy for them to learn the magic of reading.

Complete kit includes everything you and your baby need

300 hundred large size laminated flash cards
Six laminated story books using words and numbers learned
(Baby proof. Laminated with rounded edges. Wipe clean. Indestructible.)

    What your baby's brain can do is amazing

    Babies are hungry to learn everything around them. When you show them words and numbers they memorize them and soon they are really reading and loving it. Watching them learn to read is fun for you and your baby.

All courses include personalized Certificates of Achievement

Does your baby qualify for a full or partial university scholarship?

If your baby was born during a pandemic or you want these courses but you can't afford them your baby may qualify for a full or partial Genius Child University scholarship. Find out now.

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Personalized Certificates of Achievement

Imagine the good memories your child will have viewing a wall full of certificates.

Math Certificates

Colorful certicates. Addition, subtraction, mulification and division certificates. Each one different and custom made, and personalized for your child.

Science Certificate

Certifies learning the Periodic Table of Elements. A colorful custom made certificate Each certificate is a memory-making heirloom that lasts a lifetime.

World Geography

Imagine how proud your child will feel that they know the names and capitols of every nation on earth. This certificate recognizes their achievement.

USA States and Capitols

Chidren love to be rewarded for their accomplishments. These certificates will increase their confidence and self-image because each time they see them they will feel good about themselves. Super important!

Vocabulary Treasures

Children naturally suck up words, but often the words they learn are common and do not make a good impression with teachers and other adults. These words will make them into communication giants.

Manners Certificate

Good manners will help your child throughout their life. Their teachers will enjoy having them in their classrooms. Later they will be appreciated by those who work with them and will also attract mentors.

Each certificate is custom made and personalized for your child. Imagine how their self-image will grow.
When life gets tough your child will see these colorful honors on their wall and be encouraged to continue.

What each course includes


Each course is made specially for your child with their name mentioned throughout. They're enhanced with encouraging words and music proven to help memorize through listening and repetition.

Parent training aterial

Easy and fun. Each course includes parent training material with a video and a booklet. These have ideas and suggested play-activities that demonstrate how much fun you'll have with your child. 

Graduation certificate +

Your child will receive a custom made personalized Certificate of Achievement for each course they complete. These heirloom quality certificates are perfect for framing and hanging in your child's room.

Training portal with 12,379 worksheets to choose from

24 hour access to your private and highly secure training portal. Plus there are worksheets you can print out for your child on many other subjects. Your child's certificates and discount coupons are here.

Parent portal with cotinuing training info

Private parent training portal and journal includes videos and training ideas from Moms and Dads like you who are using the courses from Genius Child University to give their children an inspired start in life.

Discount coupons in trade for testimonials

We're going to collect thousands of video testimonials from babies, toddlers and parents. Each testimonial will show the child repeating information from memory and having fun with their family. 

Where will our grads be working in years to come?

Planet Earth and Planet Mars

Free application and ebook
How to help your child skyrocket their potential

Send for your free application

Your baby's personalized audio courses all include a 365 day money back guarantee.

Why a 365 day guarantee? Each baby is different but each is a memory genius. We want you to prove it to yourself. Guaranteed. 

Your free application includes the ebook and a free registration to enter the training portal.

  • Free 365 Day Guarantee

  • Free entry into training portal

  • Ebook tells how everything works

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Your baby i s the hope of the world. Education starts in the home.
Genius Child University.com




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